Sunday, August 16, 2009

the immediacy of yoga

"The immediacy of yoga is astounding, everything essential is right here, right now....." says my thought for the day on the calendar for August 9th.

I maintain several journals, this blog, and my history on the social networking sites. What will become of all these electronic bits? What good are they? As soon as I post, or journal or blog, the moment is over.

What matters is my practice, how I move in the world, and my attempts with yoga to be more of who I really am. Note: If you were really honest, you know that you are not your authentic self for every moment of every day. You are an actor, acting as your professional self, or you in the role of spouse, mom, friend, neighbor, teacher, or daughter.

I only seem to find my true, authentic, uncovered, and natural state in yoga or meditation. The rest of my life peels away layer upon layer and only the moment, the movement, the breath is left. It is so immediate, so essential, so accessible.

This, above all, is why I continue my yoga practice. When I do enter the world of play-acting, I can be more aware of the reasons for being the way that I am, and the reasons to try and change what may not serve me anymore. At a party, I can legitimately explain that I am an accountant by trade, and a yogi by choice...and that the two worlds, while seemingly contradictory, are two sides of the same coin. I use my talents, and share my gifts, then reflect on what makes me "tick", and what makes me happy. I think a perfect example of this is how we are around our parents. If that is not a lifetime of play-acting, I don't know what is! I now notice my reactions to my mother and step-father, how they are grounded in habit, many years of conditioning, many past experiences, and have absolutely nothing to do with the moment that is. When I realize this, I can pause, and be more myself, and not "Daughter". It's worked! It's really worked......over and over.

Then I journal it, to learn the lessons, and to be (as one of my mentors says) "protected and nourished by the teachings."


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