Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
I always meant to join a kirtan (chanting), just for the experience -I've been on an e-mail list for quite some time, but for some reason it never happened......until Friday, October 10th. I made plans to go to Riverview Retreat and participate in the kirtan at 7:30. In 47 years of living in Wichita, I had never been to this neighborhood, near 53rd Street North and Arkansas, where the houses are backed right up to the river.
Things hit a snag at work and I ended up staying at the office until 7:05. Beth came to get me. Now since the office is at 21st and Woodlawn, I took a deep breath and told her that we needed to be there on time. If we had trouble finding the place after dark or we arrived very late, it would be a sign that tonight was not the night for this new experience.....
We found the house with four minutes to spare and I went up to the door to make sure we were in the right spot (there are private residences in the area, as a matter-of-fact, the entrance says "private drive" -so it's not well marked). A woman wearing all black with a nose piercing answered the door, introduced herself and made us aware of the cushions and chairs available for our use. We settled in, taking note of our surroundings, a once fine and grand main house now used for various activities other than kirtan, like massage, silent retreats, potlucks and drumming (the drum in the living room is as big as my dining room table, and the fireplace, as big as my living room). http://riverviewretreat.com/images/DSC03140-web.jpg
The carpet was a 70's shade of chocolate brown, the decor somewhat Native American (besides the drum) and near the chairs there was a big stack of white pillows to use for sitting.
The facilitator was in front of the fireplace, surrounded by his instruments, amplifier and mike and laptop. He intended to display the PowerPoint of the chants on the TV screen but the connections were not working. So we used the old-fashioned way, everyone was handed a sheet of paper with the words to the chants. We started with OM, it always tickles when multiple people join together in voicing the vibration of this word. Or tingles. I was pleased to see that I knew several chants (from CD's that I use for yoga, or workshops that I've been to) and the 2 hours (!) flew by like 15 minutes. Chanting is a vocal meditation.....you simply cannot worry about bills, or spreadsheets, or yardwork, or retirement when you are singing in a group - no matter what the song is.....you just "sing what you feel, and feel what you sing". Other than the sweet-ish smell of pot wafting in the partially open windows about 20 minutes in (I guess massage comes with extras at Riverview, grin) all was well for the duration. I did get a scratchy throat toward the end- not used to using it for that long I suppose, and there is a lingering hint of cigarette smoke in the building. I realize how chanting or singing can increase one's breath capacity and control. My singing career ended in oh, about the 6th grade - with "Do you love me Schroeder" from a stage production of Lucy and Charlie Brown.
All in all an interesting, not too "woo-woo" and very gentle experience.
Things hit a snag at work and I ended up staying at the office until 7:05. Beth came to get me. Now since the office is at 21st and Woodlawn, I took a deep breath and told her that we needed to be there on time. If we had trouble finding the place after dark or we arrived very late, it would be a sign that tonight was not the night for this new experience.....
We found the house with four minutes to spare and I went up to the door to make sure we were in the right spot (there are private residences in the area, as a matter-of-fact, the entrance says "private drive" -so it's not well marked). A woman wearing all black with a nose piercing answered the door, introduced herself and made us aware of the cushions and chairs available for our use. We settled in, taking note of our surroundings, a once fine and grand main house now used for various activities other than kirtan, like massage, silent retreats, potlucks and drumming (the drum in the living room is as big as my dining room table, and the fireplace, as big as my living room). http://riverviewretreat.com/images/DSC03140-web.jpg
The carpet was a 70's shade of chocolate brown, the decor somewhat Native American (besides the drum) and near the chairs there was a big stack of white pillows to use for sitting.
The facilitator was in front of the fireplace, surrounded by his instruments, amplifier and mike and laptop. He intended to display the PowerPoint of the chants on the TV screen but the connections were not working. So we used the old-fashioned way, everyone was handed a sheet of paper with the words to the chants. We started with OM, it always tickles when multiple people join together in voicing the vibration of this word. Or tingles. I was pleased to see that I knew several chants (from CD's that I use for yoga, or workshops that I've been to) and the 2 hours (!) flew by like 15 minutes. Chanting is a vocal meditation.....you simply cannot worry about bills, or spreadsheets, or yardwork, or retirement when you are singing in a group - no matter what the song is.....you just "sing what you feel, and feel what you sing". Other than the sweet-ish smell of pot wafting in the partially open windows about 20 minutes in (I guess massage comes with extras at Riverview, grin) all was well for the duration. I did get a scratchy throat toward the end- not used to using it for that long I suppose, and there is a lingering hint of cigarette smoke in the building. I realize how chanting or singing can increase one's breath capacity and control. My singing career ended in oh, about the 6th grade - with "Do you love me Schroeder" from a stage production of Lucy and Charlie Brown.
All in all an interesting, not too "woo-woo" and very gentle experience.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Greece 2008
23 Sept 2008
After only around 4 hours of sleep -we hiked and climbed and made it to the top of the ruins in Athens. Took the E95 bus to the plaka...a center area with gardens and ruins and of course the Acropolis. Took some great pictures, and heard 6 languages-not counting English. By the end of the day we were experts at riding the buses. And at finding WC's (water closets).

24 Sept 2008
Our Olympic Air flight left very early in the morning and we stopped at one small airport before arriving at the island of Lesvos. Our driver was waiting and then.......a harrowing speed-demon, passing on hills and in no passing zones, accelerating around pedestrians, all the while talking and waving his hands.....you can tell that Jorhos (George) loves his taxi job! God! The retreat site is beautiful, on the lushest and most abundant side of the island. Pomegranites, pears, figs, apples, oleander, vanilla, roses, just beautiful. Our first practice was the night we arrived, not having our bodies quite on Greece time yet, the teacher (Barbara Voinar) led a very restorative class, plenty of breathing and time to think about the place we were in (disconnect from the distance we travelled, she told us). Dinner...........my, oh my, it will take an entire e-mail to describe it.........Zucchini blossoms stuffed with cheese, thin eggplant baked w/spices, potato and garlic, fresh yogurt w/honey and walnuts, fruit, a wonderful lentil spread on the hard crust bread. We went to bed so full and so tired. Our 'apartment' is merely a cabin with windows on four sides, so the airflow is amazing. Our own small kichenette area and bathroom. Some of the other 19 participants are in gypsy cabins and share a bathroom and common kitchen area. The owners are from Germany - Ursula and Ireni (who spend winters back home in Frankfurt). They love plants and trees, the place is a riot of growth and gardens, including the rock gardens/labyrinth/stonework.

25 Sept - 27 Sept 2008
The town of Molyvos is terraced - from a castle high on a hill down to the sea. We climbed up the narrow cobbled streets, past shops and homes, dodging cats, scooters and cars -the drivers in Greece are legendary for their daring and speed. Some touristy stuff/junk but also tucked in among the shops, you can find great treasure. For E 6.10 I bought a small beautiful sculpture made of alabaster. Took our time looking out over the land, the red tile roofs and the sea below. We purchased gifts and Coke (in 7 oz glass bottles) and pita chips at a spot next to the Agean. After a short rain shower, we found two lawn/sun chairs by the water (E 2.50 for the day), and spent several hours hunting rocks, reading and napping. Part of the beach is topless, part is not. I had my first alcohol in Greece, not Ouzo, but a draft beer called Mythos (like the character in Highlander -the oldest of the immortal).

28 Sept 2008
Efftalou - thermal springs......it was nearly dusk when the four taxi's dropped our group next to a crashing sea, the salt spray a fine mist of scent and feeling. Cold -but refreshing at first! I thought he was dumping us in the middle of nowhere.....yet tucked among the rocks is a domed concrete structure that is over 500 years old. Inside, the public bath.......our group had reserved it for this evening. With everyone already in suits and water shoes, we were encouraged to first take a cold shower (outside a small doorway was a showerhead....just open to the sea and the rocks, on a concrete platform, with a on/off handle) before entering the hot water. Oh my--- the sensation of being so vulnerable to the elements, and cold, really exposed! Then, back through the small doorway and down...down....down.....stone steps, ducking our heads and passing through an iron gate to see a square stone depression full of hot water that smelled like a volcano (which it is).......and hot! Oh my, very very hot. Pebbles and rocks covered the bottom, you could get all in or sit around the ledge with just your feet/legs in the water. We sang, we soaked, our voices echoed up to the small square openings in the roof of the "building". Then some awkwardness as we all figured out the best way to dress for dinner (there is only one wooden screen, and there were 16 people) then thankfully some cooperation as we held towels for each other. Barbara had told us the story of two rooms this week, both with a beautiful table, an abundant feast....but only one utensil - a spoon so long that you could not reach your mouth with the end......one room was complaining and spilling food and not happy with their circumstances, but the other room.....well, they were feeding each other and sharing and having a wonderful time. It's our interconnectedness and our perspective that is the secret to happiness. Dinner next to the sea - our first meal out in Greece, fresh Dorado and tuna, octopus in a wonderful red sauce (just one bite, but yum!). Wine and cats (yes, cats roam around everywhere, even next to your table at dinner). Taxi's back - a sound sleep like never before in my life.

After only around 4 hours of sleep -we hiked and climbed and made it to the top of the ruins in Athens. Took the E95 bus to the plaka...a center area with gardens and ruins and of course the Acropolis. Took some great pictures, and heard 6 languages-not counting English. By the end of the day we were experts at riding the buses. And at finding WC's (water closets).

24 Sept 2008
Our Olympic Air flight left very early in the morning and we stopped at one small airport before arriving at the island of Lesvos. Our driver was waiting and then.......a harrowing speed-demon, passing on hills and in no passing zones, accelerating around pedestrians, all the while talking and waving his hands.....you can tell that Jorhos (George) loves his taxi job! God! The retreat site is beautiful, on the lushest and most abundant side of the island. Pomegranites, pears, figs, apples, oleander, vanilla, roses, just beautiful. Our first practice was the night we arrived, not having our bodies quite on Greece time yet, the teacher (Barbara Voinar) led a very restorative class, plenty of breathing and time to think about the place we were in (disconnect from the distance we travelled, she told us). Dinner...........my, oh my, it will take an entire e-mail to describe it.........Zucchini blossoms stuffed with cheese, thin eggplant baked w/spices, potato and garlic, fresh yogurt w/honey and walnuts, fruit, a wonderful lentil spread on the hard crust bread. We went to bed so full and so tired. Our 'apartment' is merely a cabin with windows on four sides, so the airflow is amazing. Our own small kichenette area and bathroom. Some of the other 19 participants are in gypsy cabins and share a bathroom and common kitchen area. The owners are from Germany - Ursula and Ireni (who spend winters back home in Frankfurt). They love plants and trees, the place is a riot of growth and gardens, including the rock gardens/labyrinth/stonework.

25 Sept - 27 Sept 2008
The town of Molyvos is terraced - from a castle high on a hill down to the sea. We climbed up the narrow cobbled streets, past shops and homes, dodging cats, scooters and cars -the drivers in Greece are legendary for their daring and speed. Some touristy stuff/junk but also tucked in among the shops, you can find great treasure. For E 6.10 I bought a small beautiful sculpture made of alabaster. Took our time looking out over the land, the red tile roofs and the sea below. We purchased gifts and Coke (in 7 oz glass bottles) and pita chips at a spot next to the Agean. After a short rain shower, we found two lawn/sun chairs by the water (E 2.50 for the day), and spent several hours hunting rocks, reading and napping. Part of the beach is topless, part is not. I had my first alcohol in Greece, not Ouzo, but a draft beer called Mythos (like the character in Highlander -the oldest of the immortal).

28 Sept 2008
Efftalou - thermal springs......it was nearly dusk when the four taxi's dropped our group next to a crashing sea, the salt spray a fine mist of scent and feeling. Cold -but refreshing at first! I thought he was dumping us in the middle of nowhere.....yet tucked among the rocks is a domed concrete structure that is over 500 years old. Inside, the public bath.......our group had reserved it for this evening. With everyone already in suits and water shoes, we were encouraged to first take a cold shower (outside a small doorway was a showerhead....just open to the sea and the rocks, on a concrete platform, with a on/off handle) before entering the hot water. Oh my--- the sensation of being so vulnerable to the elements, and cold, really exposed! Then, back through the small doorway and down...down....down.....stone steps, ducking our heads and passing through an iron gate to see a square stone depression full of hot water that smelled like a volcano (which it is).......and hot! Oh my, very very hot. Pebbles and rocks covered the bottom, you could get all in or sit around the ledge with just your feet/legs in the water. We sang, we soaked, our voices echoed up to the small square openings in the roof of the "building". Then some awkwardness as we all figured out the best way to dress for dinner (there is only one wooden screen, and there were 16 people) then thankfully some cooperation as we held towels for each other. Barbara had told us the story of two rooms this week, both with a beautiful table, an abundant feast....but only one utensil - a spoon so long that you could not reach your mouth with the end......one room was complaining and spilling food and not happy with their circumstances, but the other room.....well, they were feeding each other and sharing and having a wonderful time. It's our interconnectedness and our perspective that is the secret to happiness. Dinner next to the sea - our first meal out in Greece, fresh Dorado and tuna, octopus in a wonderful red sauce (just one bite, but yum!). Wine and cats (yes, cats roam around everywhere, even next to your table at dinner). Taxi's back - a sound sleep like never before in my life.

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