Sunday, April 18, 2010

Company newsletter submissions.....Yoga for the Office Worker

Time Out!

Try to allow yourself time each day, or weekly (!) to be without external stimuli–traffic, music, crowds, television, or engaged in a task like driving, doing laundry, or talking/texting. It may be difficult to find a place in our chaotic urban or home environment, but it is well worth the effort to do so. As you sit quietly with yourself, you may find your thoughts spinning like a Kansas spring storm, and that will be okay at first…..with a little practice, this “empty” time will start to have a positive effect on your well-being.

In our stimulation-based lives, we are constantly seeking fulfillment through activity, which leaves no time for the quietness of simply being present with you. If this is true, then how does our “turned-up-high” nervous system know when it’s appropriate to shift to a lower gear? Not only do we not know when to turn down the dial, we don’t even know how! What would happen to a machine that runs full-speed all the time? Wouldn’t you agree that the same thing could happen to people?

Give this quiet time a chance to work by finding a peaceful spot, sitting comfortably in a chair or on the floor, and turning your attention to your breathing. Is your breathing shallow? rough? smooth? short? tight or tense? Can you slow it down and make it more regular just by thinking about it? Does your cell phone or watch have a timer? Set your timer, close your eyes and relax your shoulders.

Give yourself just 5 minutes of this exercise. See if you feel a little calmer, a little less pressured, a little more restored to “yourself”. And if 5 minutes seems like an eternity….and it just isn’t working at all…..and all you can think about is what to fix for dinner, or how much work you have to do tomorrow…..then simply open your eyes…..pat yourself on the back for trying…..and try again tomorrow!


Next time in 5-Minutes of yoga: Stretches for repetitive stress on your wrists and elbows……